Sunday, April 18, 2010

Journey Back to Self 9-11

Days 9-11, Wed-Fri April 14-16

A three day escape was a welcomed distraction and nourishing blissful time for me. The trip was filled with sweetness, and therapeutic moments of stillness. I was gifted with many messages from angels that just seemed to see through me and spoke to me directly as if they knew my whole life, all about the break up, and all about what could be coming for me. One of the messages that seems to be coming through often was that this love could one day return, and honestly I can’t really bear to consider that one. While some part of me wants to remain open to that possibility, another part of me needs total closure and can not even consider having false hopes that may once again be disappointing.

I spent much time just feeling into myself, my edges, my stillness. My mantra that seems to be keeping me going is “Think Forward thinking thoughts.” When my mind wanders to him or to what he may be doing, I try to catch it and repeat that mantra until I can move back atleast into the present. In the morning when I wake, at night before bed, hearing Sinead O’Connor’s, “Nothing Compares to you,” at the restaurant feeling stalked by every man there.

I have to wonder in moments if there is a sign on my forehead now that says, “Suddenly Single” or some different phermone that I put off as a single woman because I can barely remember having so much attention from men as I have had since he has gone. I have had men literally chasing me down the street of La Fortuna here, inviting me for drinks, wanting to engage in deep meaningful conversation, proclaiming my beauty. Is it really so hard for men to consider that a single woman may be enjoying her solitude and her self because it seems there is this presumption that if a woman is alone, she must be wanting or looking for a man. It is sweet and flattering in moments of course, especially to have men who are barely in their 20’s checking me out and flirting with me and having no real idea that I’m almost old enough to be their mother.

One young man the first night here finally got me to stop and chat, and I quickly saw that he was one of those message carriers. I could feel the sincerity in his heart felt sharing on how much he wanted a good relationship and a spiritual woman and that he could feel that I had a different connection than most of the women he met there. He saw the value of partnership and was living his life in the hopes of finding that special woman who he could dedicate his life to loving because for him that was the essence of life, to share. He seemed to see right into the man who I’ve left, and it was almost like he was channeling, “He’s young and confused right now and maybe he will go for some time from woman to woman, but one day, maybe in a month or maybe in a year, he will realize what he has lost because you are a special woman, and he will feel sad. There are not many women like you and he will see that one day.” And I’m standing there almost crying thinking, “Who is this angel speaking thru this Tico man I’ve never met, and how can he see so clearly when he knows nothing of me?” But angels emerge as I am discovering daily.

I met a beautiful young man in the springs and shared a lovely evening with him, dancing, talking, sharing and even a little tender loving. It was refreshingly fun, light and free and was a gift to share love in that kind of free, open, transparent way. Being in his arms was actually quite comforting and brought me to feeling very beautiful, appreciated and even protected. It also offered me a little reflection on some of the places that another man would naturally step in in ways that my ex never did. A man at the disco tried to grab me, and my young jedi for the night instantly responded with protectiveness and assertiveness; it was a good reminder that I can have that in a man. My ex would never have done anything even if a guy was all over me, he was such a coward really in so many ways, so afraid of any kind of confrontation, emotional or physical that he would leave me to fend for myself before raising an eyebrow, much less a show of assertiveness or protectiveness.

Dancing was such good medicine for me beyond all of the soaking. My body just loves to move, and the sweat pouring over me is so cleansing here. I found my heart so expanded at the disco, just really loving everyone there and feeling so at home in that space. Music and dance connect people so fast, in their pain, in their grief and simultaneously in their joy. Literally, the moment my hips start to move, I’m in love again, pure and free. To be sharing that space and love with so many others is so fun and refreshing. It is my medicine for remembering life’s passion for sure, and I am so grateful that I got to go out for a night here with fun people I’d never met and just enjoy new friends in the groove, no stories, no drama, just joy shared in music.

So many profoundly beautiful messages in these few days, and yet nothing seems to take away the truth of truths for me: life without my best friend and without true deep meaningful love shared between two people is not bad or horrible, but it is more empty. If it were up to me totally, and I could create the world the way I want it to be, I’d create it with him being grateful and excited to share life together, I'd create it so we could find balance in being together and being strong in ourselves. I’d choose to walk this whole life with him and move thru any challenges that emerge to maintain the love. I loved sharing my life with him, even with it's challenges, it was always worth it for me.

Accepting, adjusting and re-claiming are necessary and valid, but there is no replacement and no way to fill the hole that's been left in my heart. God and spirit are there to fill some parts of it, but even that just can not replace the sweetness that a man and woman share who truly love and cherish each other fully. Nothing compares to that. Anyone who says "just find someone else," has never truly loved to their core. Finding someone else doesn't replace what is lost and gone. It only distracts the pain for a while. I will sit in it and wait, and find myself along the way. There is no hurry to fill up the hole. It has much to teach me.

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