Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Journey Back to Self 12

Day 12, Friday, April

After two days of soaking all day, I was a little mushy inside and out, and starting to feel a bit sad and concerned that maybe he could feel that I had allowed another man into my arms, and I wanted nothing more than to just hear his voice. It was a big mistake to call, and his coldness shocked me and left me distraught and emotionally devastated. I should have let him call me and not bothered, he just can’t really be emotionally available at all and ends up making me feel so uncared for in his distance, and so unappreciated. I need to write a new story, but he just keeps affirming the old one to me. My heart feels ripped back to shreds and I wonder why I continue to expect him to be available emotionally when he never really has been.

I have this deep need for resolution, and the way we got disconnected last night in the conversation when my battery died did not allow for the fullness of the exchange. His attitude was so cold I was shocked into anger and it was just at that moment that my battery died. I tried to call back but he wouldn’t answer and that just added to my feelings of disrespect and frustration. For me, just even trying to resolve it, talking it out can bring the peace of mind and at least some sense of understanding and mutual respect. It doesn’t mean we have to agree, but if each person gets to speak and share and be heard, then there is caring there, there is potential for learning and mutual respect. He can’t do it though.

He knows how much it affects me when he shuts down and won’t communicate, and I felt to my core than he was doing it intentionally to hurt me more and to be cruel. He knew I would want to complete the conversation and resolve the energy, and he just completely disengaged and did his typical abandon ship routine. He knows I won’t be able to sleep, I can’t sleep with unresolved issues between us, and he knows that damn well. Fucking coward… I hate to say it, but it is what it is and that man is a coward if I’ve ever known one. He can’t deal, so he just hides, runs away, shuts down and it is so sickening to me that he chooses that knowing full well how it affects me. It just shows me what I don’t want to see, he only considers protecting himself at the cost of hurting others. I’ve watched it for 7 years over and over with numerous people, so now I get to experience it full force and it sucks.