Friday, April 15, 2011

Wind Bliss: Cuba 1

Nothing could feel better than this wind on my skin right now. The palm trees are serenading me in whispy waves of sonic sweetness and as my eyelids peel open I see now the beginnings of this new life.

There is no past, at last. Finally I am free. No one here cares or needs to know about it, and quite frankly, nor do I anymore. There is only now moving into more moments of now to receive me.

Good wind is better than sex for me. It takes away all the pain, offers a resting place in it's caress that no man's touch can ever offer. The wind knows every curve of my body, appreciates every hair on my head, and leaves me satiated to the core of my being.

I'd take the wind as my lover any day over a man if I could. The wind responds to me, even now, suddenly picking up and blasting me full force as I acknowledge her power over me. She can carry me to the far reaches of this earth and beyond, drop me at will, or leave me breathless with desire for more of her savory, intimate body licking.

For now, and that is all there is is "Now" now, I live on a rock in the middle of the ocean. Loving the wind is a lucky thing because it blows like wild here sometimes for days non-stop. When she rages the seas froth and crash against this rock with fury. when she quiets the gentle lapping of the sea soothes me. Still I would take her over a man even in her mysterious comings and going. She at least always delivers! The wind never needs coddling or fixing or any attention from me to bring it's gifts forth. She is always changing yet Her essence remains the same forevermore.

I've been her on this rock for less than a month, but it feels more like a year already. I saunter down these dusty streets and alleys carefree and no one ever looks at me as if I don't belong. Even as clear as it must be that I don't, I've never even had anyone here raise an eyebrow at me as I am cutting thru their alleys and backyards, talking to their dogs as if they were my own, in what must sound like pretty garbled Spanish to them. No one seems to notice or care that there's a middle aged white woman cruising thur the village falling in love with a way of life that they'd love to leave behind.

Most people here want to go to the US or Spain, or Italy. As usual the BS propaganda of modern culture has confused their minds to believe that the grass is greener with cell phones and techno-culture, and that more money is the way to more happiness, even if it's at the cost of time with your family and friends and in reality isolates you from your community. Somehow, everyone around the world has bought this same story: hook, line and sinker and all the truly good quality things in life have been underrated and undervalued.

The wind brings me home here. I grew up not so far from this rock, so perhaps she knows my name here and remembers my prayers offered over and over across the sea. That's the past too though, and none of that is real anymore either.

All we ever really have is this moment: NOW. While it is always fleeting, it is always present. It is the stillpoint between the worlds: Past----NOW----Future. It is really the only place of peace we can have. It's the only reality there is and how we interact with it somehow seems to have a great effect on the stories we leave behind and put forth into tomorrow.

Now tells me everything in saying nothing and nothing is in everything. The rational mind can't really comprehend any of it but somehow the soul and spirit are fully in alignment in the present moment if we can just be here Now.

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